
Ermis - Interreg Greece-Italy Project RSS > Αποτελέσματα

Expected outputs

The expected outputs of the project are directly linked to the specific project objectives and include:

  • Development of selection & evaluation criteria for the manning of the Emergency Response Teams
  • Development of Response Teams Common Operational Plan
  • Development of web-based Assets Management Platform and Information Central Database
  • Development of spatial based Public Alert Mechanisms through GSM Networks
  • Development of Asynchronous web-based e-learning Platform & Training materials
  • Joint Training Events
  • Production of Manual for Post-Earthquake Building Inspections
  • Guidelines for child protection in buildings & Training events in schools
  • Preparation of Public Preparedness and Safety Manual
  • Studies of the Geological Structure of the Regions    • Studies of active faults through radon emanation measurements
  • Evaluation of liquefaction potential and delineation of prone to liquefaction areas
  • Development of susceptible to earthquake-induced landslides and evaluation of landslide hazard per seismic scenario

All project outputs directly contribute to Priority Axis 2 and particularly to the Intervention Field 088 regarding the risk prevention and management of non-climate related natural risks (i.e. earthquakes) and risks linked to human activities. The actions planned will contribute to the specific Intervention Field through the development of an Earthquake disasters management integrated system.

Expected results

The direct and immediate results of the project are associated to the risk prevention and management of non-climate related natural risks (and in particular earthquakes) through the development of an Earthquake disasters management integrated system. More specifically these results include:

  • Establishment of voluntary Emergency Response Teams & Infrastructure
  • Joint Training Events in both countries
  • Development of joint methodology for Post-Earthquake Building Inspections and Case studies of implementing the Manual
  • Development of joint Guidelines for child protection in buildings, including Training events in schools
  • Preparation of joint Public Preparedness and Safety Manual
  • Joint studies strengthening the scientific knowledge and understanding of the seismic faults in the areas
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