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Services grid 3


S.O.1: Establishment and Training of voluntary Emergency Response Teams in both Regions with a minimum reaction time (in the framework of hours after an incident)

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S.O.2: Purchase of equipment

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Services grid 4

S.O.1: Establishment and Training of voluntary Emergency Response Teams in both Regions with a minimum reaction time (in the framework of hours after an incident)

S.O.2: Purchase of equipment

S.O.3: Development of web-based Assets Management Platform and Information Central Database

S.O.4: Development of spatial based Alert Mechanisms through GSM Networks

S.O.5: Study of the seismic faults in the areas and production of updated seismic faults maps

S.O.6: Study of the soil erosion due to natural risks (earthquake) and production of updated landslide vulnerability maps

Services grid 5


S.O.1: Establishment and Training of vol...

S.O.1: Establishment and Training of voluntary Emergency Response Teams in both Regions with a minimum reaction time (in the framework of hours after an incident)


S.O.2: Purchase of equipment

S.O.2: Purchase of equipment


S.O.3: Development of web-based Assets

S.O.3: Development of web-based Assets Management Platform and Information Central Database

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