3rd Project & Steering Committee meeting & 1st Workshop

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3rd Project & Steering Committee meeting & 1st Workshop

Posted by: superadmin
Category: News

On Friday 8/11/2019, ERMIS consortium successfully organized the 3rd Project & Steering Committee meeting as well as the 1st Workshop. The events took place at the premises of the University of Ioannina, Department of Physics and all the partners participated via their representatives.

During the Project & Steering Committee meeting and after welcoming all partners the current project implementation status was presented by the Lead Partner, Region of Epirus. Following, each partner (Region of Epirus – University of Ioannina – Region of Puglia – University of Bari) made a short presentation of their progress on the activities their responsible of implementing, pointing out the weaknesses and strengths of current situation.

Having identified the above mentioned issues, all partners participated in the planning of the next implementation period, focusing on the project’s Gantt chart and the upcoming deliverables that have to be completed. The session ended with planning the next project meetings and a round table discussion. All partners agreed that it was a fruitful event and stated their commitment on achieving the best possible outcomes.

After a short coffee break, the Scientific Workshop started. The Universities of Ioannina and Bari were responsible of organizing and monitoring the workshop.

The first presentation was made by the University of Bari, focused on “Large scale modelling of landside hazard in a seismic area – The experience of Monti Dauri” and was presented by Antonio Ganga, Ersilia D’ Ambrosio and Simona Tripaldi.

Following, the University of Ioannina made four presentations highlighting key aspects of the Greek side and more specifically the Region of Epirus. The first one focused on “Geological structure and seismotectonics of Ioannina broader area” and was presented by Alexandros Hatzipetros. The next one by George Papathanasiou, presented the “ Evaluation of the slope stability an surface erosion, delineation of prone to liquedaction areas in Epirus”. Following, Sotirios Valcaniotis presented the “Collection of information regarding the spatial distribution of the forest typologies in the GR Region”. The closing presentation by Costas Stamoulis, dealt with the “Random emanation measurements in selected sites along faults in the Epirus Region”.

That was a great opportunity of transferring knowledge and presenting structured methodologies that will be great tools for the successful project implementation. Through an extensive discussion the participants reached to significant conclusions and agreed that the workshop was useful and upgraded the consortium’s capacity.

Author: superadmin
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