
The project will directly contribute to the programme’s objectives and specifically to the Intervention Field: 088. Risk prevention and management of non-climate related natural risks (i.e. earthquakes) and risks linked to human activities (e.g. technological accidents), including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems and infrastructures.

In particular, the Project proposes the development of an integrated disaster management system with the establishment and training of voluntary Emergency Response Teams in both the areas of Epirus and Puglia.

Specific Objectives of the Project include:

S.O.1: Establishment and Training of voluntary Emergency Response Teams in both Regions with a minimum reaction time (in the framework of hours after an incident)

S.O.2: Purchase of equipment

S.O.3: Development of web-based Assets Management Platform and Information Central Database

S.O.4: Development of spatial based Alert Mechanisms through GSM Networks

S.O.5: Study of the seismic faults in the areas and production of updated seismic faults maps

S.O.6: Study of the soil erosion due to natural risks (earthquake) and production of updated landslide vulnerability maps

S.O.7: Production of Manual for Post-Earthquake Building Inspections

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