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Epirus Region is one of the 13 regions of Greece. Administratively it is a secondary local government organization, while geographically identical to the homonymous district.

It occupies an area of 9,203 sq. M. and its population is 336,856, according to the most recent census of the NSS.



The University of Ioannina is a university institution founded in 1970 under No. 746/70 ND [2] Parts of it had been operating since 1964 as an affiliate of the University of Thessaloniki. The first department to be established was the Department of Philosophy on May 8, 1964. [3] It is based in the University of Ioannina, located in the area of Douroutis Monastery, near the city of Ioannina.

The University of Ioannina is considered one of the most valuable academic institutions in Greece.



La legge 24 febbraio 1992, n. 225 istituì il Servizio nazionale di protezione civile,[1] consentendo così anche ai privati ed agli enti locali di partecipare alle attività, in quanto precedentemente esse erano esercitate in modo sostanziale solo a livello istituzionale, dall'esercito italiano e dal Corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco.

Il nuovo servizio, al quale possono concorrere anche privati (persone fisiche e giuridiche), si pone articolate a livello centrale, regionale e locale, nel rispetto del principio di sussidiarietà; ad esso concorrono come componenti le amministrazioni centrali dello stato, le regioni, le province, i comuni e le comunità montane. Questo complesso sistema di competenze trova il suo punto di raccordo nelle funzioni di indirizzo e coordinamento affidate al Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, che si avvale del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile. Il servizio, al fine di garantire una maggiore capillarità strutturale opera quindi a livello locale, a partire dall'amministrazione comunale, l'istituzione più vicina al cittadino:

il primo responsabile della protezione civile in ogni Comune è quindi il Sindaco. Infatti, qualora l'evento non possa essere fronteggiato con i mezzi a disposizione del comune, si mobilitano i livelli superiori attraverso un'azione integrata e coordinata: la Provincia, la Prefettura, la Regione, fino al coinvolgimento dello Stato in caso di emergenza nazionale.



The University of Bari was founded in 1925. It is a public university divided into 12 schools. Each school has its own set of departments focusing on the sciences of art, mathematics, social sciences, literature, medicine, law and education.

The university offers various courses for undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate students. In addition to teaching, the university also focuses on scientific research at the doctoral level. The research centers of the University of Bari are highly interactive, with links between various departments, universities and other research centers.

The University of Bari is one of the most famous universities in Southern Italy and is one of the largest universities in Italy, with a student population of about 60,000. [1] A recent change of name refers to the politician Aldo Moro (1916-1978), a law student there until 1939, who then served as a regular professor of philosophy of law and colonial policy (1941) and criminal law ( 1942).




The Ministry of National Defense (MoD) has the primary responsibility for the administration of the country's Armed Forces, which is constitutionally governed (Article 45) by the President of the Republic but is administered only by the President. Prime Minister of Greece and the Government of Greece. It is located at Mesogeion Avenue 227-231 at Papagou Camp (Pentagon) in Athens, between Papagou and Holargos. The present Ministry of Foreign Affairs was created in 1950, with the unification of the then separate Ministries of Military, Maritime and Aviation under the influence of American advisers. However, a single Ministry of National Defense was set up and operated in the 1941-44 period by the occupied doctrinal governments [1] (the legal exiled Greek government of the Middle East had maintained separate Hellenic Ministry of Navy and Air Forces Ministries for the Hellenic Navy). ).

Today it is ranked 3rd in the ranking of ministries, according to Prime Minister's decision (Government Gazette B / 1594 / 25-6-2013). The highest position in the ministries hierarchy is the second, behind the Government Presidency, over Andrea Papandreou's last government (1993-1996).
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