
Programme: (Interreg V-A) EL-IT – Greece-Italy Priority Axis: Integrated Environmental Management

Objective: Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency

Project Title: Earthquake disasters management integrated system

Project Acronym:  ERMIS MIS Identification Code: 5003751

Lead Partner: Region of Epirus

Total Budget: 900.340,00 €

Time Frame: 30/03/2018 – 29/03/2020

Natural disasters are among the most adverse events that can occur in an area. In Europe, the number and impacts of disasters is increasing over the past years and thus there is an urging need for better integrated disaster management systems. Both the areas of Epirus in Greece and Puglia in Italy experienced the effects of natural disasters recently with the increase of seismic activities in the areas causing extensive property damage and risking human lives. These events reveal the problem of reviewing the geological structure of the wider area with newer modern methods and techniques in relation to the geological-seismological peculiarity of the phenomenon, the assessment of seismic hazard, seismic stimulation of landslides and liquefactions, to enhance and strengthen the planning of Civil Protection of the Region of Epirus and Puglia, to the effectively handling of emergencies of natural disasters and better planning of urban extensions. The modern approach to address the geological hazards, favour the provision of the activity and the prior adoption of a protection / support measures in areas with the highest risk and risk regarding the human presence in them. The design of these preventive actions is based on concrete steps of a holistic approach which are the subject of the proposed research.

In that framework the present Project proposes the development of an integrated disaster management system, in line with the Intervention Field 088 (Risk prevention and management of non-climate related natural risks (i.e. earthquakes) and risks linked to human activities (e.g. technological accidents), including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems and infrastructures) of the current Call. The Project envisage the establishment and joint training of voluntary Emergency Response Teams in both Regions which can be mobilised in a short period of time after an incident and supplement the established national Emergency Response Units in case of large disasters to respond immediately, especially in nearby region events. Moreover, each team will be ready to provide help and assistance to the other country if it is needed.

One of the key components of the Project will be the development of a joint training programme for the teams, in collaboration with National and European bodies and agencies.

In addition, state-of-the-art IT tools and systems for integrated disaster management will be developed, in the form of Assets Management Platform and Information Databases, as well as Alert Mechanisms through GSM Network for the spatial based delivery of information to specific parts of the public.

The scientific knowledge and understanding of the seismic faults in the areas is a significant part of the integrated disaster management system and as such the Project includes the comprehensive study and the production of updated maps of the seismic faults.

One of the more critical aspects of any earthquake in the areas is their impact on soil and the landslide hazard. In order to minimise the negative impacts and prevent loss of lives and property damages, the Project will study the soil erosion due to natural risks (e.g. earthquakes) in the areas, will produce updated landslide vulnerability maps and propose mitigation plans.

Finally, the timely assessment of buildings’ safety after an event is a crucial component of disaster management. In that framework, a Post-Earthquake Building Inspections Manual will be developed, which could be used for the evaluation of buildings in a short timeframe after an incident.

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